The wisdom of life

The wisdom of life

Little things always made me smile, 
Laugh like a small child, that's how I'd thrive.
Emotions are not always constant, words not always spree,
Sometimes, even small children need to face the big bad boogie.

Even then, there's always a light,
Something that shines from within and again makes me smile.
Perhaps I'll call it wisdom that comes with age,                                                                       But it is simply experience putting up a Superman cape 😉

Life's made me realize that all small children need to cry, Something that helps them understand the law of life.
How if you ask, the answer is simple, 
It's to simply understand that not every cry can be cherished.
It is for one to pick up themselves, dust up first, 
Get up and realize that life hurts.
It's okay to be sad, it's okay to cry, 
The light of wisdom is just about to strike.
And every time the light strikes, every time we age, 
Experience comes along one day and says hey, it's time to hit the hay.
Time to say goodbye, 
Time to leave the old shell aside.

It starts with a small child's cry and ends with life's ride.